Tuesday, September 9, 2008

She makes my skin crawl.

I LOATHE Sarah Palin. The woman makes my skin crawl every time I hear something about her on the news. I just really, really, really don't like her. So when I saw this pic, I lol-ed.

One of the commentors posted that on Jezebel and I fell in love with.

Along with this:

But back to Palin. I won't get into the ins and outs of her politics in this post because I don't want my blood to boil at the moment. In all seriousness though, I thought that McCain picked Tina Fey to be his veep.

Palin and Fey look to much alike (I sincerly doubt that their political views are alike though), which is scary considering that Tina Fey is totally awesome and epic! Liz Lemon Tina Fey for president! I'd vote for her. XP

Now lets hear it from Jon Stewart!

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