Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Girls Say Yes!

I love both of these posters but apparently the girls at don't. Considering the inordinate amount of sexism in this political race, I can see why they don't like the variation of the Joan Baez poster. I personally love it because it's very tongue in cheek. If these women were nearly nude or had something porny on, I could totally see why the Salon chicks think that this is sexual.
Sexual? No. Empowering? Yes.
These women picture aren't selling their bodies for a candidate or offer sexual favors for a candidate. It's just saying fuck yeah! I can vote for a non-female canidate and be damn proud!

Monday, October 20, 2008


The name Biblioburro put a smile on my face alone.

Luis Soriano of Colombia takes his two donkeys (Alfa & Beto) and uses them as a makeshift book mobile. I personally think that the idea is really ingenious and cute.

After having a really shitty week, this really cheered me up. It's nice to see people doing something for their fellow man.

Everything stolen from the
International Herald Tribune

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's Easier to Write About Love...

when you're not in love.

Jane Austen is the romance writer. She set the standard as to what a romance novel should be and her books are not as tacky as modern romance novels. Seriously, pick up any modern romance novel and in the first two pages you'll see how much the lead female character is a doormat.

The odd thing about Ms. Austen is that she never married. As to whether or not she had a romance of her own, it is not my place to speculate. But Ms. Austen was on to something. It's much easier to write about love and commitment when you're not in love or bound to it.

For writers, that statement seems completely contradictory because every writer has heard the 'ole "write about what you know" saying. Writing about you're own relationships is much simpler than fabricating your own but it makes it harder to romanticize a romance.

I love and adore my darling but before we got together I would envision all these tripped out scenarios me and a possible lover would find ourselves in. I didn't stop to think about the trivial things that actual lovers argue about. Everything was a product of my own design and nothing could go wrong. Now if only real life could go that way. My darling isn't going to bust into my home and steal me away to a mansion in Paris as a fictional character would. *sigh* Things look much better on paper.

Of course, I can't always criticize reality because sometimes it just provides great moments that need to be immortalized on paper.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Feet are made to take you places...not to decorate.

It is the world's biggest cliche that women are obsessed with shoes. I don't know if it's because of my bohemian lifestyle or because I have a hatred of feet but I don't own many shoes. I only own 6 pairs of shoes (1x converse; 1x knee high boots; 1x ankle boots; 1x penny loafers; 2x strappy sandals w. Louis XVI heels).

Sure I love my pair of faux Victorian boots

and I would kill for a pair of Alexander McQueen Union Jack boots

but I seriously don't care about shoes. I mean, my once black monochrome converse turned this weird shade of pukey green because I've never washed them.

I don't get why women spend inordinate amounts of cash on shoes when there are more important things in this world ...

like hats!

I own more hats than pairs of shoes. *^-^*


As an aspiring journalist, I get really pissy when people mock the news media. News organizations are far from perfect and some are even biased *cough* Fox News *cough* but if you are making bs claims just because an interview didn't go your way, you deserve to be ran over by a steamroller.

See Sarah Palin:

Yes, I do hate myself a little for linking to a Fox News segment.


You couldn't even name a newspaper.

I don't think Palin realizes that a good politician is in, they know about world affairs because they read papers, like uggh, let me think here...the New York Times! the Boston Globe! the Wall Street Journal! the Christian Science Monitor! the Washington Post! OMG, naming those drained my brain.[/sarcasm]

Oh! Oh! Oh! But she says more!

On her response to Katie Couric’s question about what she reads:

“My response to her, I guess it was kind of filtered. But, I was sort of taken aback, like, the suggestion was, you're way up there in a far away place in Alaska. You know, that there are publications in the rest of the world that are read by many. And I was taken aback by that because I don't know, the suggestion that this was a little bit of perhaps we're not in tune with the rest of the world."

On her relationship with the media:

“I'll tell you, what I used to do is commit to not being so annoyed and impatient with mainstream media. And I will make that commitment because I do understand that that is how I speak to the American people in a position like this. I speak to you and through you and that way, that message is received by American people.”

“So, I apologize for the response that I gave through that interview on a couple of questions. I'm going to try harder. But, I would ask also then, that the media tries a little bit harder also. And that this is a two-way street. That there's fairness. Just objectivity and fairness and truth. That's all Americans ask for.”

“I look forward to speaking to the media more and more everyday and providing whatever access the media would want. My life is certainly an open book.”
~ Taken from

From what I've heard, Palin is a journalism major. *le gasp* You wouldn't think by how she talks about the media! I'm sure she would know the intricacies of the media and if she had soooo many problems with it she should have stayed a journalist to better the profession.

It is better to be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Someone should have told Palin that before she took on this interview. If you can't stand the heat, leave the kitchen; if you can't stand the questions, leave the interview with your minimal intelligence intact.